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What is a move in checklist anyway?

December 8, 2020

What is a move in checklist anyway? Read on for our move in checklist guide

Are you a renter or someone who is moving into a new place soon? You may be on the hunt for a move in checklist.

To put it simply, there is a checklist of items that you should complete when moving into a new apartment or home. These are sometimes referred to as a new apartment checklist or even a cleaning house checklist. The checklist can sometimes be long and detailed, so it’s important to follow it carefully in order to ensure you aren’t missing anything.

What are the benefits of using a move in checklist?

Using a move in checklist will help you achieve a couple of things:

  • You’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’ve reviewed the condition of the house and its contents before moving in
  • Despite the name, the checklist can be used again for when you eventually move out of your home or apartment
  • It’s a good way to know what areas of the home or apartment may need to be cleaned

What’s generally included in a move in checklist?

There are a couple of important factors that are involved in a successful move in checklist. The document should be thorough, providing lots of detailed information along with being unique to your home or apartment.

A good rule of thumb is to ensure the following areas are included in the move-in checklist. Customization is necessary for your specific situation as the following areas are only suggestions:

  • All rooms in the house
  • Walls, flooring, skirting boards, and windows
  • Electrical outlets and sockets
  • Any appliances in the house including washing machines, microwaves, and dishwashers
  • Furniture
  • Kitchen countertops
  • Bathtubs, showers, toilets, and sinks
  • Stairs, railings, and balconies
  • The garage, driveway, and backyard if necessary
  • Fans, A/C units, and heating systems

What are the dangers of not following a move in checklist carefully?

If you miss a section on your move in checklist, there could be issues around the following areas:

  • Being held liable for damage to the areas of the home or apartment that you missed
  • Not having any proof to confirm that condition before you moved in
  • Extra costs incurred for cleaning fees or damage

How can BerryClean help?

At BerryClean, we’ve completed multiple cleaning jobs for tenants who are either moving into or out of a new place. We specialize in condo, apartment, and home cleaning services and we’re willing to help no matter what the size of the job!

Contact Us, and get in touch with our friendly team to book in.

*BerryClean cannot give legal advice. Any information we provide is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation that it is appropriate for you, or for any specific person. BerryClean and writers will not be liable for any real estate decision you make, or action you take in reliance on any material you read here.